The Storypad Blog

My presentation ROCKS!

Shutter Stock

All of us agree that knowing and presenting something are not synonyms. Imagine just how Steve Ballmer would introduce a revolutionary product like the iPhone in 2007 instead of Steve Jobs? Maybe he would shout iPhone, iPhone, iPhone…? Many, many times ideas, products or companies are forgotten just because no one can distribute the right… Read more »

The horrible learnings! 

Albert Einstein Learnings

Reporting, documenting and other bureaucratic staff are making headache to almost all of us. From my perspective the situation is frustrating as well since I don’t want and can’t afford to lose time on such boring staff. When somebody says documenting my first think is Germany because they invented it, somehow. Working with Germans can… Read more »

Why content fails? 

People using storypad

Ever watched product keynotes from Apple, Sony, Samsung or Tesla? Which you like the most? If you ask me, I go for Apple but during the Jobs era. Nowadays the keynotes are static and simply boring because no person with charisma is doing them. All marketers say that content is king. Lion is a king… Read more »

Why image is so important?

Apple Toshiba Store

Working for more than 5 years in marketing and sales I learn that one of the key issues is to create the right image for your brand. Every brand needs an image, from nails producers to luxury watch “haute couture” brands like Hublot. What is strange in its essentials is that many companies find image… Read more »

The electric car for presentations

Hello to all of you and it is my pleasure to write the first post ever on the StoryPad blog! I admit that everyone knows what an petrol head I am. Unfortunately the car industry is changing a lot and we are in the shift when petrol moves to hybrid or electric. Even the ultimate… Read more »

Agencies support for rich content.

StoryPad gives you the power to control and design the content with PDFs and PPTs but what if you want to take the presented content to a brand new dimension? In that case you can use our StoryPad agencies network. The StoryPad agencies network consists from international marketing agencies who can create your rich media… Read more »

Become our partner agency.

StoryPad gives you the power to control and design the content with PDFs and PPTs but what if you want to take the presented content to a brand new dimension? In that case you can use our StoryPad agencies network. The StoryPad agencies network consists from international marketing agencies
